Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5 Alternatives to Typical Book Reports

Lets face it, book reports can be boring. We ask our students to read a book and then have them summarize what they read in a few pages. Students who read books with hundreds of pages not only find it difficult to try to pick and choose the important events, but they can also become frustrated with having to do something that they find to be a chore rather than something in which they can express their creativity. I believe that if you give a child an assignment they can get excited about, they will do a much better job because they will actually want to do it. Below are 5 alternatives to a classic book report that will not only be more interesting for the child to work on, but will be also be more interesting for you as the teacher to look over and grade.

1. Make a Diary/Journal for a Main Character- Students can create a diary from the perspective of one the primary characters in the book. This is a great way to help children step into another persons shoes and think on a higher level, as they must truly understand and relate to the character they choose. The student can discuss a key event that happened in the story from the perspective of the character it happened to, and in the process they will begin to understand the emotions and feelings that character experienced on a deeper level.

2. Make a 3D Journal for a Main Character- This will take more time and effort than writing a basic journal as described above, however it can also be a very cool assignment. Students will be challenged to create and present key items or events from the story that will then be shared with classmates. For example, if children read Charlotte's Web, they can make a model web with the well known quote "Some Pig", or bring in items from a local fair and relate them to the fair that Wilbur attends. If a student reads Harry Potter they can make their own wand, or bring in homemade snacks from Honeydukes, or make a model of Hagrid's hut.

3. Make a Movie Poster - Another alternative is to use a large poster board. Student's can make a movie poster featuring key characters and events from the story, and then discuss them in a presentation. What follows is a worksheet that can be handed out to students for a movie poster project for the popular young adult novel "Among the Hidden":

Among the Hidden is a book that would make a great movie.  For this project you will become the producer for the movie.  As the producer, you are responsible for choosing actors to star in the movie version of the book.  Then, you are to create an original poster for the movie.  Posters should show your best effort, and include the information listed below:  

Movie Poster - Use poster board or some similar material to create your project.  Your project should be neat and colorful, show your best effort, and reflect the fact that you have read and understand the book.  Your project should have all the elements listed below, as well as any additional information and ideas you would like to include.  Be as creative as you like.  Originality is always a plus.  The most important thing is that your project shows that you have read and understand the book. 

Title - Many movie titles are the same as the book; however, sometimes a producer chooses to change the title slightly.  This decision is up to you.  If you choose a new title, be sure it relates to the book in some way.  Your title should be big, and really stand out.

Casting - Choose your actors carefully.  Your poster should include the names of the actors you have chosen to play the main characters in the book.  As you pick the actors, be sure to think about the character traits and physical characteristics that match the character from the book. 

Catch Phrase - Your poster should also have a catch phrase.  It should be prominently displayed, and should relate to the book.  A catch phrase is designed to grab people’s attention as the by.  This example, “This Christmas The More…The Scarier!” Is a clever play on words using a commonly used phrase.

Artwork - Your poster should be neat, colorful, and visually appealing.  You are free to use any medium you like when creating your poster, but be sure to use all the space.  (Don’t leave large areas blank.)  Here are some suggested mediums:  Paint, markers, pictures from magazines or found online, photographs, glitter, scrapbooking materials, etc.  Be creative and have fun. 

General Information - You poster may also include information about the rating of your movie, the name of the producer (you), and the director you would like to direct your movie.  (A good way to choose a director is to research a movie you like and see who was in charge of direction)

4. Make a short play/skit based on a key/favorite event from the story- The student cant make a script for a play based on an important part of the book. This type of project would be best for a small group of students who can each play a character. It would also work well for older students who would be capable of writing a script. If a student would like to do this project on their own, they can write the script and act it out on their own, or simply hand it in to the teacher for a grade.

5. Make a Diorama- Always a favorite of students and teachers because they can vary from incredibly simple to extremely detailed, dioramas are great alternatives to book reports. Use a shoe box and other art materials to construct a scene from the book. Or be more creative and use materials found in nature such as rocks, twigs, leaves, moss etc to make a miniature nature scene. The options are limitless!

Remember these are just a few of the options you can offer to your students. Below find a link to a website that features MANY more alternatives:

More Alternatives to Book Reports

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